My Participation in ‘The Reverie Poetry Prompt’

Hey guys!

So this week I’ve decided to participate in ‘The Reverie Poetry Prompt’ for a bit of wordsmith fun. Generally I’m not very good at poems but this particular online event caught my eye as the last song that I wrote with my previous band happened to be titled ‘Reverie’ so the word holds a lot of meaning to me and my life.

So what is ‘The Reverie Poetry Prompt’?

Basically, every week on Monday the poetic publication journal ‘The Reverie’ posts out a prompt for you to write a poem about and you submit a poem to them. On the Saturday of that week, everybody gets to vote on their favourite poem and the winners (which are announced on Sunday) will be featured in ‘The Reverie’.

So here I go, this is the first poem I’ve ever written and the prompt is ‘hibernation’.

My Nightmares
By My Hot Fox Megan

Welcome to my hibernation
Barred with fear of laceration
Sleep forever, sleep forgone
Sleep for never, sleep unknown
For now I lie awake at night
Can’t hibernate I’m froze with fright
For once I start to drift
My soul begins to scream
And then I am convinced
That I’m listening to my dream

There you have it, that was my first poem! I’ll be submitting it to ‘The Reverie’ later on.  I encourage you all to also give it a go, it was actually kind of fun! How did I go this time? What did you guys think?

Post your own poems below, I would love to read them! Until next time, stay soulful!

5 thoughts on “My Participation in ‘The Reverie Poetry Prompt’

    • Thank you so much for the kind words, I’m blushing!

      I’ve always struggled with lyrics writing and generally get other people to write the lyrics while I just write the music. I’ve been thinking for a while about learning to do my own and your prompt has kicked me off, thank you so much. 🙂


      • Well I certainly hope you come back and try our next one! It’s even a music prompt. It will be up today at 10am EST.

        Writing music is an amazing talent. I have no musical inclination, which I’m pretty sure the world should be thankful for. 😀


      • I will definitely try the next one!

        Words to me have always been more beautiful than music, I think that’s why I struggle so much with them. But for whatever reason I’m better at expressing myself with music, weird hey?


      • I love painting, and I can do it…but I struggle so much with it. It doesn’t come naturally, or easily. I gave it up, knowing I loved it, but that it wasn’t my thing. I stick with the writing now, but there are days when I wish I had pushed harder at the painting. I regret giving it up, sometimes.


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